Saturday, April 9, 2011


It's been a very busy week! Spring has definitely got me going. Which makes me think about where to put my training.
It's very easy to have it slip away. Last spring/summer I traded weight training and p90x for  blooming flowers, brand new blue skies,and long windy runs. If ever there was a year to reward  my eyes that have been aching for that crystal blue persuasion this is it!
 But I am really trying to remind myself that all winter I was building something. Strength. Muscle definition.In hopes of keeping that going I'm coming up with a summer schedule.
One of the most important things you can do with your decision to get fit is to make an exercise schedule. Each of our lives are so unique. Take the pressure off  expecting yourself to do what an Olympic athlete does, and find out what you can do.
 Start by sitting down and take a realistic look at what you have going on. You need at least three days out of the seven to find some openings. I know of  marathon runners that only have time on the weekends to devote to training. There's always a way! If you use those two mornings before anyone else is up to do your half hour of sculpting then out for the cardio of choice,you've got a great beginning. Somewhere in the week you can find another opening. Monday is a good one to get up early enough to fit it in because you're fresh and ready for your week.  Break it down to what areas you want to work on. I actually do legs,arms,then abs before cardio. 10 minutes a piece can transform your body.
On those other two days you earned the right to take that lovely twilight stroll. I know how much I'm going to enjoy it!
 Here are a few random side notes to kick off the season. Allergy sufferers remember your Claritin! If you have asthma like me,make sure you have a pocket somewhere to stash your inhaler. No fun getting caught without it. Here is a link to get some identification on you as well. Safety first!
Happy Spring!

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